The e-Payment system is a simple payment system. There will be a web page for selecting payment type Such as credit card, credit card installment, QR payment, internet banking, bill payment, etc., where merchants are responsible for submitting variables such as product value, merchant identification number to us to process. Merchants that have successfully developed a product database and customer database will be able to access payment services through the e-Payment system immediately.
Parameters in the system
The parameters used to connect to the e-Payment system consist of two types of parameters i.g. the " key parameter " that must be specified every time to connect to the e-Payment system and " additional parameters " to complement the merchant's payment system. Even more The merchant can choose to specify whether or not to use this additional parameter. The details of both types of parameters are as follows.
Data Type
Merchant ID No.
Reference No.
E-Mail of customer
Details of product
Not over 9,999,999
Total amount
lang (optional)
cc (optional)
Currency unit
Main Parameters
The merchant needs to submit all 5 main parameters, the details are as follows. By sending a POST to the website
Details are as the followings:
1. merchantid
is the Merchant ID number sent to the merchant via email on the day of registration for the service. This parameter has a numeric data type. Which has a total length of 8 characters
2. refno
is a reference number that a merchant uses to refer an order with the ePayment system.This parameter must be a unique number for each order. Otherwise, the order will overlap.
This parameter has a numeric data type. Which has a maximum number of 12 characters
3. customeremail
is the email address of the merchant's customer. It is used for the system to send confirmation by e-mail. When the credit card payment has been successfully completed this parameter has a data type of letters. Which can be up to 100 characters long
4. productdetail
is a rough product description. For summarizing, explaining customers to understand that he/she is paying for? This parameter has a data type of letters. The maximum length is 255 characters.
* Do not include any HTML special characters.
5. total
is the total value of the product. There is a numeric data type. This parameter can be a decimal point, for example 199.50.
Additional Parameters
“Additional parameters”
is optional for the user. Merchants can choose to set it or not. In other words, this type of parameter is created to facilitate merchants to use their payment system to the fullest extent. The additional parameters are as follows.
1. “Lang is language.
This parameter specifies whether the web page can be displayed in English or Thai which according to the principle of this display will be based on what setting the merchant already has in the admin system. If the lang parameter is sent later, the system will change the display immediately. lang = “TH” will be displayed in Thai. or lang = “EN” is displayed in English. This parameter was created because some merchants will have a website that can display both Thai and English. Therefore, this parameter was created to facilitate merchants, allowing the merchants to customize additional parameters. in which language and when to display.
2. “Cc is the currency code (currency unit),
it determines the unit of currency. This is the same as the language in item 1. The merchant will pre-set the currency unit in the admin system as the main precedence. If the cc parameter is sent later, the system will change the new currency unit immediately. The reason is similar to point 1: some merchants carry a wide variety of products in units of currency. This parameter allows the merchant to adjust the currency unit according to their needs.
Currency unit
Singapore Dollar
Hongkong Dollar
Eur Dollar
GBP (Pound
Australian Dollar
Swiss Franc
Example of HTML code for submitting login values
Below is an example of HTML code written to test sending values (parameter) to the e-payment system. If the merchants want to use this code, please include own merchantid and customeremail parameters and then proceed to test.
For merchants that bill the same amount to the same customers every month, you can use the automatic credit payment system that charges customers on a regular basis by deducting funds from their credit card as required to make use of the product or service. Please find our downloadable the guideline as below:
Credit card recognition system (Tokenizer)
We provide a credit card recognition system for merchants that have a membership or subscription system and want to offer convenience to customers. The merchant must send additional parameters as follows.
1. For customers who have never used a credit card recognition system before.
Data type
Maximum length
integer and character
Merchant Member Reference Number
Example of HTML code for submitting login values
Below is an example of HTML code written to test sending values (parameter) to the e-payment system. Iif the merchant wants to use this code, please include own merchantid and customeremail parameters and then proceed to test.
When the customer chooses to pay with a credit card, the screen will appear a checkbox to save credit card information for the customer to choose for.
After the customers choose to remember the card information, the system will remember it for the merchant to send the information to be used for the next time.
2. Customer information that has already remembered a credit card
If the customer has already remembered the credit card in the system, merchant can retrieve customer data by calling an API as below example:
- apikey :
Contact staff for apikey
- secretkey :
Contact staff to request secretkey
- merchantID :
Last 5 digits of MerchantID 12345678
When the customer makes a payment, the system will show the credit card that customers have remembered to give customers the option to pay.
3. Customers who have already remembered their credit card.
When the customers who have already remembered their credit card want to cancel the card recognition, merchant must call an API for cancellation by sending the following information:
- apikey :
Contact staff for apikey
- secretkey :
Contact staff to request secretkey
- merchantID :
Last 5 digits of MerchantID 12345678
Establishing a secure link to connect via API (Secure Link API).
Pay Solutions systems can support API connection design as a secure link to connect. Our development team is ready to discuss and support the merchant's automatic payment system to connect efficiently.